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Report Fraud and Abuse

Fraud and abuse in healthcare are one of the most prevalent and costly crimes committed in the United States today. It affects the healthcare consumer and thousands of patients and the financial stability of keeping your benefits affordable. 

Novus wants to tackle this issue by creating a robust Waste Abuse and Fraud program that is endorsed by the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association (NHCAA).

To further meet our responsibility in preventing this crime, Novus is teaching our staff and providers on the signs of fraud, most commonly, false statements of information involving patient benefits.

 This may include: waiving deductibles or copayments, invoice duplication on your bill, billing on care services not received. Unauthorized use of benefits, and changing your medical records.

How to Report Fraud and/or Abuse

You can help report suspected incidents of health care fraud or abuse by calling the toll-free 855-228-7355 or e-mail us by Clicking Here. You can remain anonymous and all reports are kept confidential. 

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