Life happens. And if you find yourself out of a job that gave you employer-based health care, these are your main options:
COBRACoverage: This gives you the chance to carry on your employer-based coverage for a limited period of time after you’ve stopped working for them. Big sigh of relief, right? Its expensive but necessary. Ger Answers About Cobra Here
Government health insurance marketplace aka ObamaCare: Losing your job is overwhelming in so many ways, it’s a major life event. But whatever the reason you find yourself out of work, you must move straight to buying a health insurance plan for your family in the government healthcare marketplace. Ger Answers About ObamaCare Here
Novus Cannabis MedPlan: This revolutionary plan that supplements existing medical insurance policies, filling the gaps where traditional policies do not provide coverage. Unlike most health insurance, you have no copays, no lengthy paperwork, no deductibles, and everyone is approved in the Novus Cannabis MedPlan network. Let our experts guide you and, in many cases, get your employer to pay. The nation’s first health plan focuses on reducing your cost associated with Medical Cannabis, Cannabidiol (CBD), Alternative Treatments, Dental, Optical, Diabetes, Prescriptions, Telehealth and More! Learn More Here
Not Insured? Underinsured? No problem. Novus Cannabis MedPlan has something for you
“Life is ten percent what you experience and ninety percent how you respond to it.” – Dorothy M. Neddermeyer Learn More
How Novus works is simple, at the time of your visits to the in-network dispensary a preferred rate is applied to cannabis meds purchases. Yes, and, if you have pre-existing condition, not a problem, Novus Cannabis MedPlan will accept you. Our plans are designed with cannabis included at no cost and expenses may be reimbursed from the HRA.
Recovery is going to take a while, so take advantage of what cannabis has to offer its the compounds sooth and calm anxiety you may be experiencing. Learn More