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7 Amazing Vaping Facts You Need To Know


Since its introduction to the US in 2007, vaping has evolved into a billion-dollar industry. Stylish models and new flavours are continually coming up in the market to provide a better sensory experience. Vaping is less harmful than smoking, and more people are trying it out, but not everybody knows a lot about it. To keep you in the loop, here are seven surprising facts about vaping you should know:


  • There are four generations of vaping devices.


Since their inception only a decade ago, vaping devices have undergone many changes to be more productive and efficient—generally, they fall into four different generations of devices.

 The first generation, which imitates the feel and looks of a traditional cigarette, was aptly called “cigalikes.” They were also called e-cigs, which is now often incorrectly interchangeably used to refer to all generations of vaping devices.

The second-generation devices, called vape pens, were bigger with batteries of larger capacity. The third generation, called mods or APVs (Advanced Personal Vaporizers), brought about personalization and power. And finally, the fourth generation – innovative regulated mods, which are the most advanced vaping devices available today, can deliver enormous amounts of nicotine.



  • Vaping can save money.


There are a lot of benefits of switching to vaping. One of these is that it can help you save a lot of your hard-earned money. Depending on the state, a chronic smoker could easily spend at least 5000 USD a year to keep up a-pack-a-day habit, and this does not include teeth whiteners, chewing gum, air fresheners, and other beauty products a smoker might buy.

Mods, JUULs, and e-cigs vary significantly in price from brand to brand, but it’s always just one investment in the start. For those just trying it out, there are many options available, like the Heisenberg Vape liquids. 

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  • Vapes are environmentally-friendly.


While the health benefits of vapes over cigarettes are still debatable, its environmental benefits are not. Traditional cigarette butts are a significant trash problem, as they can take up to 10 years to decompose. The toxins they contain are also harmful to organisms on the ground that may come in contact with it.

On the other hand, vapes are generally better for air quality as they are smoke-free. Additionally, with proper maintenance, most e-cigarettes are reusable as they use chargeable batteries. This means there’s less waste being produced. So, overall, vapes tend to be more sustainable for the earth. 


  • Vapes can be just as addictive as regular cigarettes.


There are many different types of vaping devices out there, and each has different amounts of nicotine. Depending on their use determines the amount of nicotine that ultimately ends up in your blood. 

If you use a vape with a higher voltage, it’s more likely that you get a greater hit than a regular cigarette. The higher the nicotine, the higher the chance for addiction. This means that quitting vaping can turn out to be just as hard as quitting other bad habits. 



  • The chemicals in vape might not be suitable for your health.


Most vapes contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical. This is not too harmful on its own, but it exposes the user to the detrimental effects of dependence on nicotine products, like a vape, which contains many other chemicals. These affect brain development in young adults and teens and increase the risk of heart disease, cancer, lung injury, and more.

 In 2019, an outbreak of lung disease in young vapers led to over 60 deaths. The exact chemical that’s causing this is still in early research stages, but it could be THC, Vitamin E acetate, diethylene glycol, or a new hazardous compound altogether. 



  • Vape aerosol is not harmless water vapour.


Most vapers believe that the big puffy vape clouds are just water vapour and that it’s harmless. This couldn’t be further from the truth, as the aerosol contains volatile organic compounds, carbonyl compounds, and nicotine, which can be harmful or even carcinogenic. 

When you heat the e-liquid, it also produces nickel, aluminium, and tin, which are dangerous byproducts when inhaled. However, it’s still true that they are relatively safer as compared to the toxins emitted by combustible tobacco products. 

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  • Quality is not closely controlled.


Even though vapes have been around for over a decade now, nobody knows how safe they are. Although many regulations have come into place in recent years, especially since the 2019 outbreak, there are still many devices and e-liquids on the market, making false claims.

Many manufacturers do not disclose all the ingredients in their products or sometimes lie about the percentage of chemicals. Even nicotine-free cartridges might still contain a low dose of nicotine. This fact worries even health experts and regulatory agencies.


Final Thoughts

The never-ending race is on to make the perfect vape, the supposedly ideal alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes. But before you experiment with it, you should know the seven facts mentioned above about vaping, so you’re not confused when different experts and brands claim different things.

Of course, the best choice you can make for yourself and your kids is to give up any harmful habit. 



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