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Can Medical Marijuana Help Manage Diabetes?

The medical use of marijuana is steadily growing all through the U.S. states where it has been legalized for recreational/ medical purposes. As a result, there have been many ongoing studies to understand its effects on certain illnesses. For instance, a study found that cannabis can help reduce blood pressure over time and keep the blood levels open for better circulation. It is also particularly helpful in making nighttime easier for diabetes patients as they often experience restlessness.

So, if you or a loved one are suffering from diabetes, exploring medical marijuana as an alternative medicine may work wonders! So, let’s look at the common questions diabetes patients have in regards to consuming marijuana.

How Does Marijuana Help With Diabetes?

Although we are still not sure of all the ways marijuana impacts diabetes, it has been found to help the patients relieve some symptoms, such as:

Regulating Insulin Resistance

Marijuana helps regulate insulin resistance, which is particularly helpful to patients with type-II diabetes. It helps increase the body’s sensitivity toward insulin. Some people even reported a lower insulin fasting level after using marijuana, as compared to those who didn’t use it.

In regards to marijuana’s effects on blood sugar levels, the research is still lacking; however, it seems promising in keeping it under control.

Helps With Weight Loss

Most diabetes patients struggle with weight loss, as obesity is a common side effect of diabetes. The same study mentioned above, included 4,657 people, of which 579 were currently using marijuana at the time. The remaining participants were those who had consumed it in the past but had quit at the time of the study.

The results showed that the marijuana users had a waist circumference of 1.5 inches less, on average, as compared to those who didn’t consume it. Findings also concluded that cannabis users had lower chances of becoming obese as a side effect of obesity.

However, cannabis may also increase appetite in some individuals, and as a result, they may consume more food and gain weight.

Controlling Nerve Pain That Stems From Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy refers to high blood sugar affecting the nerves, which leads to damage to the limbs. This is a common symptom of uncontrolled diabetes and leads to pain in the affected nerves.

A study found that cannabis provides temporary relief from this pain, even when they weren’t responding well to other treatment options. Medical marijuana may also help protect the nerves from getting damaged with the help of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Other Benefits

Some other advantages diabetes patients may experience by using marijuana are:

  • Anti-inflammation may help reduce arterial inflammation, which is common in diabetes patients.
  • Antispasmodic agents help soothe muscle cramps, and pain that stems from gastrointestinal issues.
  • Lowers blood pressure gradually, which is critical for diabetic individuals.
  • Using cannabis oil/ butter helps improve arterial and cardiac health.

Medicinal Properties

If you are considering incorporating marijuana into your daily life to help with diabetes, it is best to be familiar with its Medicinal Properties. The cannabis plant contains numerous chemicals, of which, more than a hundred are known as cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are chemicals that associate with THC, the psychoactive compound responsible for providing cannabis high.

However, CBD is also a cannabinoid, but it is not psychoactive. Many medical marijuana users turn to CBD as it provides several benefits without producing the high. THC and CBD are some of the most common compounds of the cannabis plant, because THC is very potent, and can help with relieving a lot of general symptoms as well.

Cannabinoids communicate with the central nervous system’s receptors, which can affect multiple functions in the brain and the nervous system, such as:

  • Dealing with mood swings by improving the serotonin content, which acts as a mood stabilizer.
  • Interacting with the endocannabinoid receptors to regulate pain and inflammation.
  • They interact with CB1 receptors in the brain, regulating appetite, coordination, mood, pain, and other functions.

Thus, we can conclude that there are many benefits to using marijuana in diabetic people. However, the research is still ongoing so it is best to talk to a 420 doctor before you start using it to help with the disease. Nevada MMJ Doctor has many specialists to answer all your questions, and help you obtain a Nevada MMJ card quickly. The card will help you significantly cut down on your marijuana bills.

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